Wednesday, November 13, 2013

When it rains, it pours...Apples

Sometimes you  have to deal with bumper crops with courage and just dive in headfirst. If it seems like I've already written 38 posts about apples, it's because I have. Is that really too much? Compared to what? Here's a secret- I really don't love apples that have been baked! I love eating them fresh, perhaps with some honey and peanut butter, but when they're cooked...hard to say. Apples have an odd way of drying out (for such juicy creatures) that is borderline repulsive to me sometimes. Carry on, Christian Soldiers. If your friends ask you to make apple things with them, you man up and commit. Here are some of the things I've been making.


Pies, crisps, sauce, caramel...let's just say I'm going to start embracing other flavors soon. Here's a lil takeaway recipe:

Apple Sauce
Peel and dice 6-7 medium apples (I used Golden Delicious and Stayman Winesap). In a heavy pot, combine apples with 2 cups of water, a 1/4 cup of brown sugar, a dash of cinnamon, a pinch of clove, and a small knob of butter. After the sauce has cooked down (about 45 minutes, but use your best judgement), take mixture of the heat and add a lil glug of vanilla. Consume.

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