Thursday, August 21, 2014

  S'mores rank as one of my Top 5 favorite foods.

     Hate on me, but they are just too good to not deserve a spot. The list is as follows:

1. Rice
2. Cake/Candy
3. Bread
4. Maple Syrup
5. S'mores

    This list reads like that of a baby lumberjack, I'm aware. I'm literally the most uncultured gastronome on the planet...and I just don't care. I recently just finished writing a paper on food aesthetics and food as art; let me tell you, there are a LOT of food haters. Life is far too finite to care about what's in"good taste". I'm going to keep drinking Malibu Rum and eating Watermelon Sour Patch Kids because I think they're dope. I can already hear the food police at my door...that's why, dear friends, this week I'm providing you with a recipe that utilizes BOXED CAKE MIX. Why? Simply because I, like you, am a lazy, deplorable human being and sometimes you just don't have time to make real cake. Let he who doesn't eat Betty Crocker cast the first stone.

S'mores Cupcakes

First things first, make your impostor cake. Mine called for the addition of eggs, butter, and water. I also added a tablespoon of vanilla and 1/4 cup of cold coffee. While I was making the batter, my lovely friend was adding a dollop of marshmallow/graham goodness to the bottom of each cupcake basin. To make this ingredient, simply crush four cups (roughly) of graham crackers and set aside. Heat 1/3 cup of butter and two cups of marshmallows in a large bowl on medium heat for 1-2 minutes. Add the crushed crackers to the bowl and mix well. This process is similar to making rice krispie treats, so reeeaach back, try and remember the deliciousness. After a fat tablespoon of sticky graham has been placed in each cupcake cavity, you can pour the batter over each and bake for the recommended time. 

Now on to the icing... honestly, I think icing/frosting/glazes are all a pain and get in the way of me just smashing cake into my mouth. However, these would not be S'mores without a marshmallow-like crown. To make the topping, combine the sugar, cream of tartar, and egg whites in a heat proof bowl, set atop a pot of simmering water. Stir the mixture for 3-5 minutes, or until the sugar is dissolved. Take the mixture off the heat and beat on low, gradually increasing to a higher speed. Add the vanilla. After 5-7 minutes, you should have the right consistency. Should. I have no idea what happened to this icing. It was stiff enough to dip, but not to pipe. After you have iced these lil cakes, hit em with a blow torch, or, the broiler. I can't even believe I found mine. Great success. These cakes are 3 parts rustic to 1 part diva. Serve accordingly. 

Icing adapted from The Brook Cook
Betty Crocker's Butter Recipe Chocolate Cake Mix
1 c water
1/3 c butter, softened
3 eggs
1/4 c coffee, cold
1 tbsp vanilla
4 large egg whites
1 c sugar
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp vanilla, plus the seeds of one pod (optional)


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